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Can't sleep

Happy New Year!

As my first post of the year, I won't talk about losing two people I was very happy to have on my work team; one of them a friend, the other I was getting to know.

Instead, a short tirade about lack of sleep.

Since my early life, I've always struggled with sleep patterns. I have a real control over when I wake up, if I'm not ready to pass out I can usually control micro-nap times; but I have almost no control whatsoever about inducing falling asleep.

We used to have golden time when I was in school, where we could watch a program, relax and occasionally sleep.

When I went to primary school, my mother had many jobs and I liked to stay up reading about classical and medieval history, passing the hours until she returned so I could wish her a good night and relay my love for her.

It's not that I need less sleep than others. I really suffer from not sleeping at times it induces a futile mania. As example I've read 300 pages from 4 books over the past 2 days. It might be more useful to complete 300 pages of a single book, but I find my cup fills up and I have to switch to be able to retain information from an unrelated subject.

I also sleep whenever I want. Middle of the day, after stressful meetings; when I can't crack a coding problem, I'll often wake up with a solution.

So why am I blogging about sleep?

Because I can't sleep and it's really frustrating.

  • I do credit some of my achievements to lack of sleep.
  • I'd like to put a stake in the ground and work on better sleep for the future.
  • I learned in 2018 it could lead to dementia.
  • I'm not getting any younger
  • I'd like to believe it will help with my health and happiness

So how do some of you cope with not being able to sleep?
